Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Read Yogesh's Story - Exclusive Interview :: CNBC TV 18
It has been my privilege to share my story interviewed recently . I am glad to have all of you as part of this journey.
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Leaders in Web Automation!
A concept was lodged in 1998 by Yogesh Huja, and he then dedicated his effort to his mother. Yogesh's idea was a technology company by the name of Swaran Soft Support Solutions. Swaran Soft is an umbrella group which provides a wide range of end-to-end services and solutions to its clients, which enable them to make informed and wise investments in technology, in sync with their business objectives.
The company is focussed to address the key areas like technology driven process automation, setting up & supporting infrastructure for technology driven projects & promoting the brands in most effective manner to reach a precise target audience as per business requirement. In order to achieve this the umbrella is expanding its arms into latest technology verticals.
They have four divisions and service portals to address customer needs namely,, and "Our service portfolio offers companies assistance right from conceptualization to implementation. Our vision is to serve our customer with appropriate skills & dedicated teams." says Yogesh
Up until now Swaransoft has spread its wings in India, Middle East, UK and US and now focusing to expand glo-cally. At present company has served to more than three thousand costumers over a period of ten years. They have a strong presence with corporate like GE, DMRC, Honda, Bausch & Lomb, HIS, Global Insight, Saudi Aramco and many other top giants of industry, and now they plan to follow a projectized approach towards the growth of their organization."We are looking towards five hundred percent of growth of our company. Sky is no more limit its way beyond as far as we all can travel together." says Yogesh.
Time delivery, customer satisfaction and innovative team and team structure is what sets them apart from any other company. Yogesh explains this in a simpler approach and says "It is the dealing which makes the entire change when you eat food in a dhaba as well as you eat in a seven star hotel. The enjoyment is felt at both places but depends on what is your mind. We understand our customer well in advance and serve with a best possible recipe as per his taste and provide an effective ambience of seven star or dhaba. We have a dealing strategy which is driven from experience. We are travelling on road and enjoying this journey along with our customers and partners."
According to Yogesh, things which are driven by passion cannot be served in nine to five frame. Ideas come to everyone's mind but implementation need lots of courage and time to invest. This perception of Yogesh urged him to be an entrepreneur and he started his dream project with nothing in hand. He says " All successful people have seen the truth behind creation of a success story. I had been watching since its inception & see today I am so motivated that I am writing for you guys. This is an 'aah! moment' ….which can't be purchased or acquired. This sits way beyond the super conscious mind."
Yogesh assume his mistakes as his success path, and the gretest success path he travelled was compromising with health at many stages of journey for which he is conscious now as a healthy mind is the turbine to convert all potential energy into kinetic energy.
He faced many challenges too but to be specific he tells us an incident which was the turning point of their lives. He says "We got an opportunity to conduct the lottery for allotment of land in Gurgaon by Haryana Urban Development Authority, this project was worth eight hundred crore of funds management. We had never handled the size before and my team was pretty unaware of lot of areas which would come through while we will work. In nutshell there were lots of imaginary fears which were on top of everyone's mind. We all did a strong commitment that this is possible and we have to deliver the best of ourselves. The entire project went through for ninety days and there were lots of hurdles which we faced and the end result was we were awarded and appreciated by State Government and entire media. This gave a strong clarity of thought and established a benchmark in market for Swaran Soft".
So far SwaranSoft has achieved a lot and has been appreciated by many giant companies like GE, Honda and DMRC for their work and excellence.
And finally Yogesh shares his words to the budding entrepreneurs and advices them to go for their ideas and stick to it and they will get paid for what they deserve. This will not only meet their needs but also give them tremendous success in their journey.
YourStory wishes Yogesh Huja all the luck and many more 'aah! moments' ahead.
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Yogesh Huja
Skype: huja_yogesh
Mobile: +91-9810560650
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
5 Steps to write a mission statement.......
Step 1: Identify Past Successes. Spend some time identifying four or five examples where you have had personal success in recent years. These successes could be at work, in your community, at home, etc. Write them down.
Try to identify whether there is a common theme -- or themes -- to these examples. Write them down.
Step 2: Identify Core Values. Develop a list of attributes that you believe identify who you are and what your priorities are. The list can be as long as you need.
Once your list is complete, see if you can narrow your values to five or six most important values.
Finally, see if you can choose the one value that is most important to you.
Step 3: Identify Contributions. Make a list of the ways you could make a difference. In an ideal situation, how could you contribute best to:'
* the world in general
* your family
* your employer
or future employers
* your friends
* your community
Step 4: Identify Goals. Spend some time thinking about your priorities in life and the goals you have for yourself.
Make a list of your personal goals, perhaps in the short-term (up to three years) and the long-term (beyond three years).
Step 5: Write Mission Statement. Based on the first four steps and a better understanding of yourself, begin writing your personal mission statement.
Sample Personal Mission Statement Development
1. Past success:
1. developed new product features for stagnant product
2. part of team that developed new positioning statement for product
3. helped child's school with fundraiser that was wildly successful
4. increased turnout for the opening of a new local theater company
Themes: Successes all relate to creative problem solving and execution of a solution.
2. Core values:
* Hard-working
* Industrious
* Creativity
* Problem-Solving
* Decision-maker
* Friendly
* Outgoing
* Positive
* Family-oriented
* Honest
* Intelligent
* Compassionate
* Spiritual
* Analytical
* Passionate
* Contemplative
Most important values:
* Problem-Solving
* Creativity
* Analytical
* Compassionate
* Decision-maker
* Positive
Most important value:
* Creativity
3. Identify Contributions:
* the world in general: develop products and services that help people achieve what they want in life. To have a lasting impact on the way people live their lives.
* my family: to be a leader in terms of personal outlook, compassion for others, and maintaining an ethical code; to be a good mother and a loving wife; to leave the world a better place for my children and their children.
* my employer or future employers: to lead by example and demonstrate how innovative and problem-solving products can be both successful in terms of solving a problem and successful in terms of profitability and revenue generation for the organization.
* my friends: to always have a hand held out for my friends; for them to know they can always come to me with any problem.
* my community: to use my talents in such a way as to give back to my community.
4. Identify Goals:
Short-term: To continue my career with a progressive employer that allows me to use my skills, talent, and values to achieve success for the firm.
Long-term: To develop other outlets for my talents and develop a longer-term plan for diversifying my life and achieving both professional and personal success.
5. Mission Statement:
To live life completely, honestly, and compassionately, with a healthy dose of realism mixed with the imagination and dreams that all things are possible if one sets their mind to finding an answer.
Final Thoughts
A personal mission statement, is of course personal… but if you want to truly see whether you have been honest in developing your personal mission statement, I suggest sharing the results of this process with one or more people who are close to you. Ask for their feedback.
Finally, remember that a mission statement is not meant to be written once and blasted into stone. You should set aside some time annually to review your career, job, goals, and mission statement -- and make adjustments as necessary.
And for more ideas on creating a personal mission statement, read one of our other articles, Using a Personal Mission Statement to Chart Your Career Course, which includes links to other mission-building exercises.
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Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Huja
MD, Swaran Soft
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Friday, February 12, 2010
Use of Affirmations....Lead By Example
Affirmations for Self Esteem
* When I believe in myself, so do others
* I express my needs and feelings
* I am my own unique self - special, creative and wonderful
Affirmations for Weight Loss
* I am the perfect weight for me
* I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself
* I choose to exercise regularly
Affirmations for Health
* Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health
* Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body and soul
* My body heals quickly and easily
Affirmations for Abundance
* I prosper wherever I turn and I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds
* The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful
* I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.
Affirmations for Love
* I know that I deserve Love and accept it now
* I give out Love and it is returned to me multiplied
* I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday
Affirmations for Romance
* I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy and at peace
* I release any desperation and allow love to find me
* I attract only healthy relationships
Affirmations for Peace and Harmony
* All my relationships are loving and harmonious
* I am at peace
* I trust in the process of life
Affirmations for Joy and Happiness
* Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises
* My life is a joy filled with love, fun and friendship all I need do is stop all criticism, forgive, relax and be open.
* I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.
Thanks & Regards,
Yogesh Huja
"If you can dream it...You can make it!" Walt Disney.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Importance of Writing - Way to Success
I am back again on the dashboard ....before i begin my blog let me recap the blog - Power of Small Teams it was an eye opener for start ups & SMEs. This piece of my sharing will focus on individuals potential to explore his world of creativity & realities by writing them in any form.
Just think how do you write on daily basis for your daily task , household items , events or movie plans. Few people use sticky labels , few write notes on blank sheets & tear them next day , some have habits of dairy & few are techie enough to use calendars like google calenders etc. All is good till your objective gets fulfilled.
Have you ever realized that standard methods of casual writing will serve your daily purpose but will not give you way to success. The moment you want to look back on task left out yesterday , you realise that the sheet has gone into dustbin.
Stories & experiences are enough & we will only concentrate in power of writing & make an effective outcome out of same. You need to know the values of writing before you improvise on it or actually start doing same. I have mentioned very basic points:
* Excellent writing is sure to earn respect.
* Writing structures and crystallizes one’s thoughts.
* Writing improves the effectiveness of the person’s word usage in both written and oral speech.
* writing habits enables an effective time management , this can be done in forms of dairy.
I will gear up this blog with my own personal experience , we have a HR recruitment process where people come in to our office for interview & generally responsible person starts the interview with resume of candidate. The process was running since last 10 years & we were getting good employees, last month we created an additional step of a cover page which includes basic information of employee , his strengths, weakness & hobbies. Along with that we mentioned 7 criteria of selection i.e
1. Knowledge of Specific Job Skills
2. Related Job Experience
3. Related Education or Training
4. Initiative
5. Communication/ Listening Skills
6. Attitude
7. Interest in company / position
After this the entire result got changed , we have now a smart team & they have got the way to success.
Statements : According to Roger Howe, a former chairman and CEO of U.S. Precision Lens, the majority of the successful people are clear and persuasive in their writing .
Statements : A survey conducted among 64 American companies revealed that half of them pay attention to writing when considering a person for employment or promotion.
Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Huja
MD, Swaran Soft
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Change starts from within, and highly effective people make the decision to improve their lives through the things that they can influence rather than by simply reacting to external forces.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Develop a principle-centered personal mission statement. Extend the mission statement into long-term goals based on personal principles.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Spend time doing what fits into your personal mission, observing the proper balance between production and building production capacity. Identify the key roles that you take on in life, and make time for each of them.
Habit 4: Think Win/Win
Seek agreements and relationships that are mutually beneficial. In cases where a "win/win" deal cannot be achieved, accept the fact that agreeing to make "no deal" may be the best alternative. In developing an organizational culture, be sure to reward win/win behavior among employees and avoid inadvertantly rewarding win/lose behavior.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
First seek to understand the other person, and only then try to be understood. Stephen Covey presents this habit as the most important principle of interpersonal relations. Effective listening is not simply echoing what the other person has said through the lens of one's own experience. Rather, it is putting oneself in the perspective of the other person, listening empathically for both feeling and meaning.
Habit 6: Synergize
Through trustful communication, find ways to leverage individual differences to create a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. Through mutual trust and understanding, one often can solve conflicts and find a better solution than would have been obtained through either person's own solution.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Take time out from production to build production capacity through personal renewal of the physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Maintain a balance among these dimensions.
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Thanks & Regards,
Yogesh Huja
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Power of Small Teams - Value & Significance
I always start my writings by working on fundamental definition of subject, as the subject says " Power of Small Teams to do miracle" we have the actor as Team . As wiki says :
A team comprises a group of people or animals linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.
A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.
Types of teams
1 Independent and interdependent teams
2 Self-managed teams
3 Project teams
4 Sports teams
5 Virtual teams
6 Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams
7 Not all groups are teams
Coming to power of small teams , let me ask you what is favorite sports.......think over it as it resembles your thought process. I like playing chess & thereby my strategy building activity can be seen in my work. Whe it comes to building a team we need a leader or a mentor who can positively infuse the energy required to drive the team to the required objective. Now see how clearly things start coming in front of us as we are now focused on setting up objective for team.
# Objective is the achievement of a final set of actions within a given operation
So we have people --> driven by a leader --> forms a team --> to achieve a objective --> In a defined operation. Here operation refers to the journey that we all travelling in.....surely lead by our visions.
The power of small teams to do miracles
The more members you add to a team the harder communication becomes. To that end, it's sometimes hard for me to understand why startups are so focused on growing their teams out during the early stages.
Bezos likes to refer to the ideal team size as "two-pizza teams:" any team that is small enough that they can be fed by a couple of pizza pies, is a model of efficiency and accomplishment. Anything larger is not.
When there is one person both running and operating the entire show, you have 0% communication efficiency loss. The vision is designed and implemented exactly as it was originally conceived. Add a second teammate and you automatically introduce inefficiency into the equation. With each new person added to a team, the potential for communication efficiency loss gets worse as each person creates failure points with every other person. Once you start getting beyond 8 team members, the efficiency loss becomes so great that it can only be made up by throwing additional resources at the problem. In other words, you are not going to see double the output from a team of 15 people as you will with a team of 8 (even though you'd expect it on paper). In fact, you'd be lucky to see even a 25% increase in output, even though your team size has doubled.
Keeping your team small
So what's the overarching lesson? You don't need a huge team to successfully launch a start up. In fact, your chances of succeeding are better, the smaller your team size. You cut out as many communication points of failure as possible and keep your startup costs down.
So how do you keep your team small?
* Choose a project that is simple to implement. Don't try to create a complex suite of applications. (Yeah, I'm a hypocrite). Focus on solving a single problem. Philip Kaplan made email more efficient to use by stalling it instead of managing it. Dead simple approach and a great idea.Take the easier approach when possible.
* Choose people that can wear multiple hats.
Can your designer code?
Can your programmer manage a community?
Can your marketing guru fund raise?
Can one guy do it all?
* Document everything. It's obvious that you will need a business plan. What's not so obvious is that you should also document the seemingly mundane; methods used for team communication, methods used for integrating with potential partners, methods used for keeping a company blog up-to-date and interesting. All documentation should be available via a central location. A wiki can work really well for this purpose. Good documentation lessens the loss from communication failures.
* Arrange your workspace in common areas. Segregating your team in different offices is a recipe for lost communication data and with it, a need for additional people. You'd be surprised at how many roles can be shared by multiple people, so long as they have the ability to communicate instantly and unimpeded with each other. Put people between walls, and those shared tasks will need to be managed by additional team members.
without an example nothing is complete ....we have a successful case study of which is a leading social & business networking portal & drives its revenues from subscriptions of over few million dollars a year with a team size of 5 people on board.
Note: Never forget the power social community which comes for no cost but is valuable for positioning your brand in an appropriate way.
More stories & blogs on the way to 2010.
Year of actions & clarity.
Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Huja
MD, Swaran Soft
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Social & business networking sites are all the rage now
Social & business networking sites are all the rage now. Connecting with friends, colleagues and new people has become so simple with these sites that it’s the new place to hang out. And just like you keep some things in mind to stay safe when you hang out with people in a café or a mall, you need to know a few things to be safe on social networking (SN) & Business Networking (BN) sites as well.
1. The more information you put about yourself, the more vulnerable you could be. So choose what you want to put up. But some things are better not put up at all. Your address, phone numbers, and bank account or credit card numbers, for example. If someone asks you for it, don’t give it out without giving any thought to it. If you are uncomfortable about sharing some information, don’t share it.
2. If all your friends are on some cool new SN site, that does not mean that you have to join in blindly too. Explore how it works, and the level of security and privacy allowed. Check the privacy policies of the sites you sign up for so that you know whom to report if any online abuse occurs.
3. Be sure to read through the policies and understand how the information you have put up is likely to be used. How does the site handle referrals? Can the IDs of your friends be given out to others, which could include potential spammers?
4. Can all and sundry visit your site, or do you have options to control access? Start with controlled access to your information and that too only to people you know, and when you are comfortable with how the site works, you can explore loosening some of the controls.
5. Saving a photograph from the Web is as easy as a right-click. A miscreant can easily change it using any photo-editing tool. So think twice before you put up your pics on an SN site. At the same point paid BN sites are still a place to stay ….recommending ecademy as one.
6. Do not believe everything people post on their web sites. They may not be what they claim to be. So if you don’t know them, it’s best to avoid getting friendly with them.
7. Flirting is fun, but can land you in trouble. Think twice about flirting with strangers and refrain from discussing about sex online. Remember sexual offenders scout SN sites and chatrooms looking for prey. Spoting the light of Nigerian Credit Card fraud ….it is becoming common in BN sites now a days.
8. Be careful if a new online friend wants to meet you. Make sure you meet him in a public place during the day and take along a friend or family member along with you. Concept of rating the users in BN sites is one key factor to know the person better before meeting. Read his/her testimonials , recommendations & much more.
9. If you ever feel threatened by anyone or anything online, discuss it with friends, family or colleagues and inform the police if required. There are options in website even where you can report to webmaster.
10. Do not always run applications and fun stuff being circulated on the SN site. They could be viruses or Trojans which could harm your computer or the data on it.
Its important to form a better world where people work towards online reputation building , so do contribute & make world better by speaking to one.
Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Huja
MD, Swaran Soft
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Monitor Your Reputation Online
31 Places to Monitor Your Reputation Online
With the explosion of Social Media in the last 1 year, there’s a lot of new places that marketers and business people need to start monitoring their reputation on. From search engines to forums to social news sites, knowing who’s talking about your company, its executives, your products or services online, is every more important. Social media, whether marketers like it or not, is here and it’s where Word of Mouth Marketing is starting and it also affects Search Engine results. So with that in mind, I compiled a list of places to keep an eye on. Feel free to comment, I’ll add places if I’ve glaringly omitted a site.
Search Engines
Search Engines are the foremost place you should be looking at managing your reputation. Who’s ranking for your company name, executive names, product or services? Your own website should be, if its not, its wise to figure out why you aren’t and another person is. You should also be concerned about who is ranking around you, the classic example is a search for the brand term “Starbucks.”
The directories, although they can be outdated, are still a place to make sure you are being represented in the proper way. When directories list your site, sometimes they misspell things, or get a description of a site completely wrong. If you paid to have your site included, make sure the submission is exactly how you want to be represented.
- Best of The Web
- Yahoo
- Industry Specific Directories
Social News Sites
One of the newest places that you need to keep an eye on for how your company, services and products are being represented. Although there isn’t much you can do to correct inaccurate information on these services, you should be aware it is out there and where its’ being reported.
Bookmarking Sites
It’s great when people can bookmark your website’s pages and share them. It’s a headache when they tag them wrong, or put in a wrong description and you start receiving traffic from them for all the wrong reasons. Like Social News Sites, there’s not a lot you can do to correct these errors, but knowing about them is half the battle, and knowing allows you to prepare how to handle the inaccuracies.
Social Networks
Have you secured your company’s MySpace page yet? Yes, as silly as it sounds, a MySpace or Facebook page for your company would be a smart move. It would stop impostors, and you could get the added benefit of being able to spread the “true” news to a whole network of very interested “Friends”.
Photo Sharing Sites
Photo sharing sites are a great place to share your logos, product pictures, and even photos of events your company is sponsoring. It is also a place you need to monitor for your company’s name, products and services. Like bookmarking sites, tags and descriptions can be added to photos, and although you cannot do much to change someone else’s perception, it’s about being aware of its inaccurate presence.
The wild, wild west of the internet, where a bad name can be created with one blog post, otherwise known as the Blogosphere. The most recent example of this is Jennifer Laycock’s incident with the National Pork Board. Within hours, the blogosphere went wild with this story. There have been other incidents like the Kryptonite Bike Lock incident, Microsoft’s giving laptops to bloggers, and Edelman & Walmart’s Flogging come right to the forefront of my mind. You need to keep an eye on the blogosphere, set up feeds to check what’s being posted about you, or look to see what kind of “buzz” is around your reputation.
Be aware, and come up with a game plan how to fix your problem if one creeps up. Also making sure to “claim” your site/blog/name on services like Technorati and MyBlogLog are essential. The last thing you want is an impostor getting a hold of your brand and doing damage.
Other Sites
There’s a few other places that you should be aware of that don’t particularly fall into a “category”, but are equally important because of either the weight of their “perceived” authority or the viral effects and ability to spread news.
- Forums
- Message Boards
- Wikipedia
- StumbleUpon
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Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Huja
MD, Swaran Soft
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